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What is the impact of AI on education?

John Milovich
John Milovich
ScamFighter Expert
Former college customer turned freelance writer, shares insider insights on the essay industry.

What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

According to ISO/IEC 22989:2022, an AI system is an “engineered system that generates outputs such as content, forecasts, recommendations or decisions for a given set of human-defined objectives.” Although sci-fi fans would like to believe that AI is a simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, most current AI systems are far off from this definition.

The core difference between AI and other systems is its inherent learning ability. Whereas previous generations of machine learning (ML) algorithms could perform predictive analytics, generative AI has taken the world by storm in 2023. It can now produce new content based on its learning materials. AI output now includes text, music, images, and videos.

Current AI applications range from personal assistants to the adoption of AI in education, banking, healthcare, transportation, and entertainment. Before we discuss the pros and cons of AI in Education, let’s go over the ethics.

Ethical considerations in AI-powered education

To better understand the benefits of AI in education and its drawbacks, let’s first cover the ethical considerations and risks. Generally, they fall into one of three categories:

  1. Privacy concerns. Considering many AI education systems fail to disclose their source code, it’s hard to know how they use the information they get from individual users. As a result, students’ and teachers’ personal details can fall into the wrong hands. It’s up to policymakers and software engineers to prevent such risks.
  2. Bias and discrimination issues. Learning capabilities are among the core benefits of AI systems, but they can also be a drawback if the data used at the learning stage is false or corrupt. There have already been cases of smart algorithms adopting discriminatory practices, and bias can also develop when using AI for educational purposes. To prevent discrimination, administrators and users should closely monitor the AI’s output.
  3. Plagiarism and cheating. Getting automated homework answers was one of the first uses for AI in education. Schools rushed to ban the use of ChatGPT. And developers came up with ways to detect generated content. Still, using AI-generated papers remains a major cheating risk. Schools can only avoid it by implementing systematic approaches to preventing this type of cheating.

As AI is still far from the development level seen in science fiction, these remain the most pressing ethical issues to consider. However, as AI continues to evolve, new ethical considerations will doubtless rise.

AI Benefits for the education system

Although the initial introduction of ChatGPT was a shock for educators, they quickly found exciting ways to use generative AI to their benefit. Here are merely a few advantages of AI solutions the education system has already embraced:

  • Time savings for professors. Automation of mindless administrative tasks can free up a lot of time for instructors. Moreover, AI can help track attendance, develop lesson plans, provide actionable feedback on student papers, and take over grading to keep things objective. As a result, educators have more time and energy to dedicate to one-on-one and group interactions with their students.
  • Better learning outcomes for students. Personalization is the core advantage of AI in education. An algorithm can analyze the student’s performance and suggest additional materials and exercises before letting them upskill and move on to the next topic. Improved grades will increase student satisfaction, reduce stress, and make learning a positive experience once again.
  • Reduced operational costs for schools. Aside from helping teachers save time, AI can also complete many administrative tasks, including scheduling, accounting, payroll, etc. Although it would require an initial investment, AI can replace many employees, leading to savings. This would mean schools could spend more money on upgrading their equipment and facilities and even boost teacher’s wages.
  • Long-term improvements in education levels. Ongoing evaluation and evolution are also among major pros of AI in education. Algorithms will continue to analyze input and deliver improved results based on user feedback, boosting the overall quality of education. And an educated society is safer and more tolerant.
  • Integration with other disruptive technologies. Combined with virtual and augmented reality, internet of things, and other technological advances, AI-powered education can deliver a new level of immersive learning experiences. For example, students can master practical skills in virtual environments and scenarios developed by AI. Such exercises are especially helpful for engineering and medical students who could practice without risking lives and expensive equipment.

Although these aren’t all the pros of AI in education, our list covers major points most educators cite. Besides, as AI technology progresses, its new advantages will become apparent.

AI drawbacks for education

Despite all its benefits, Artificial Intelligence in education is merely a tool. In the wrong hands and without proper instruction, it can do more harm than good. The common threats include:

  • Teaching jobs at risk. Just like IT, customer support, and countless other industries are losing jobs to AI, so will education. As algorithms take over routine tasks, instructors will be forced to look for other positions or take on additional responsibilities. Although it’s unlikely machines will replace all teachers, their numbers could drop, leading to increased unemployment.
  • Reduced human interactions. The impact of AI on the education system can surpass that of social distancing and online learning during the pandemic. As machines replace teachers and the learning process gets more personalized, students can start losing their personal interaction skills and become more awkward and anxious.
  • High implementation costs. Despite all the advantages of AI in the classroom, implementing high-end solutions will take money. It will need to come out of the school or district budgets, if not out of teachers’ pockets. Many schools may prefer to invest their budgets into money-saving AI instead of other critical needs.
  • Loss of vital skills. As students begin to rely on AI more heavily to take over specific tasks, like simple problem-solving or speaking a foreign language, they will fail to master these skills or fall out of practice. It’s impossible to predict how their loss will affect our society in the long run. Full reliance on AI is especially dangerous as we don’t understand the algorithms controlled by corporations.
  • Policy failures. AI technology exploded, and policy changes haven’t had the chance to catch up and address arising issues. They range from privacy protection to intellectual property rights and beyond. As long as schools vacillate between banning and embracing it, the role of AI in education will remain in the gray area. While national and international authorities are working out the kinks, schools need to come up with their own regulations to avoid AI abuse by students and educators.

Unfortunately, AI isn’t a perfect solution to every educational problem. Still, with proper use it can change teaching and learning for the best.

The AI’s role on campuses

Understanding AI benefits and drawbacks on a classroom level is great. But how is AI impacting the education system on a physical level?

For one, it can make campuses safer. For example, adding AI-based image recognition to security cameras can enable it to alert authorities to potential crimes. And analyzing this data can highlight the most problematic areas. AI can also suggest changes to improve the security situation in these areas.

Moreover, AI platforms can make campuses more efficient. Real-time energy and resources consumption is great for reducing the bills and optimizing the use of common use areas, such as libraries, gyms, dormitories, etc.

Finally, AI algorithms can help students get more engaged in school activities. For example, an AR-enabled application can build routes across campus and suggest the best clubs, activities, or locations for each student based on their search history or interests.

Future of AI in education

Like all new technologies, AI poses risks and can irrevocably change the future of humanity, but it can also be a powerful tool for educators and students alike.
It’s hard to predict the future of AI-based education, since it’s still in the early development stages. Still, AI-powered personalized learning systems seem like the most viable option. Instead of focusing on cramming as much material into students’ minds within the limited time frame, AI systems can focus on mastery. Teachers will likely work as tutors or take on facilitator and mediator roles, while students will rely on AI to come up with lesson plans and practice exercises.

Bottom line

AI education is here to stay. Considering all the pros and cons of AI in Education, it has immense potential for improving teaching and learning experiences. But it can also further hamper personal interaction skills and make certain skills obsolete. AI is a powerful tool, but it’s up to us to decide whether we’ll use it to make our schools better or worse.

AI vs. writing services

Even as more students rely on Copilot, Gemini, or ChatGPT to take over their assignments, professors learn to recognize generated papers. Unlike AI, professional writers are human, and they deliver original pieces that don’t raise suspicions. If you want to get good grades with minimal effort, check out our essay writing service reviews. The best services are reasonably priced and can deliver a human-written paper in under 24 hours. Skim essaymarket.net review or writepaperfor.me reviews to see for yourself.


Common uses of AI in education include help with developing lesson plans and exercises, automation of routine administrative tasks, and personalization of individual educational trajectories for students. AI can also improve accessibility through text-to-speech and speech-to-text interfaces and captioning.

The positive long-term impact of AI education will include improved lifelong learning outcomes. On the other hand, privacy and security can become major concerns, as well as the dehumanization of the learning process.

Future AI-based education will rely heavily on personalization and increased productivity. AI will free up teachers, letting them spend more time on lesson plans and addressing students’ needs instead of dealing with administrative tasks.

AI can take over routine tasks to free up the teachers’ time. For example, AI can fill out students’ progress reports, provide feedback, and complete other day-to-day forms.

Using AI in education for personalization relies on student’s performance analytics and creation of a custom educational trajectory. For instance, if a student consistently fails to solve one type of problem, AI can develop lesson plans and additional exercises to improve understanding and mastery.