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How to write a persuasive speech: top things you need to know

John Milovich
John Milovich
ScamFighter Expert
Former college customer turned freelance writer, shares insider insights on the essay industry.

How to write a persuasive speech? This question will surely come to your mind when receiving this academic assignment. Many learners believe that composing this type of writing is extremely challenging. However, we are here to debunk this myth. So, leave all your worries behind and stop complaining to your mates! It’s never too late to start learning. Here, you will find the freshest tips for persuasive speech and some secret tricks for making your writing brilliant.

What is a persuasive speech?

First, let’s explore the core concepts of persuasive speech. The most essential parameter of this writing is that it is designed to convince a reader. So, what to do a persuasive speech on? You must choose a disputable topic, represent your ideas, and collect impressive and relevant arguments. As a result, you have to create a paper that will make your audience change their minds and accept your viewpoint. In other words, it is necessary to influence the readers’ attitudes, beliefs, and values.

How to create a persuasive speech? You may try to appeal to the emotions and feelings of the readers. However, the most winning method is to come up with striking arguments. You must be logical, confident, and fluent in the selected topic. This tactic will strengthen your positions and help you shine.

Critical elements of a winning persuasive speech:

  • Perfectly shaped and completely understandable thesis statement. When you try to prove something, you must state your main viewpoint first.
  • Supporting facts and examples. Using the one and only proof for your paper is a 100% wrong approach. Make sure to add more sparkling arguments to your speech to persuade.
  • Using counterarguments. Hope you’ve chosen a relevant and disputable topic. To make it stand out, always address potential counterarguments. Your rhetoric must be convincing.
  • Getting ready for a debate. You will need to respond to your audience's objections.
  • Appealing to logic. You may ask rhetorical questions and describe your position from various angles.
  • Adding call-to-action. Encourage your audience to do something after reading your paper. Try to make them more motivated and adopt the viewpoint advocated in the speech.

Persuasive speech topics: how to choose the best?

How to write a good persuasive speech? The answer is easier than you might think. So, what if we tell you that one of the most crucial steps is to select a perfect topic? You might compose a fantastic paper. However, if you’ve chosen the wrong topic, get ready for a total failure. To avoid this dangerous issue, let’s explore more facts about picking a top-notch topic.

    • Stay up-to-date. Stop looking for essay topics on various forums and outdated web resources. How to do a persuasive speech? Try to be innovative and fresh, and forget about all these old-school ideas.
    • Do research. Of course, this writing step can sound boring. However, this is one of the most important steps to writing a persuasive essay.
    • Look for controversy. “Learning is important” and “How to stop bullying at school” are not controversial. These topics are as simple as a piece of cake. It is better to look for something more ambiguous.
    • Focus on important aspects and values. You may choose a social, environmental, ethical, or political issue. However, it must have high value and be relevant. Reasoning is always your good friend when it comes to writing.
    • Think about personal connection. You need to share your views and experiences in many persuasive essays. This will add a personal pattern to your writing and make it more emotional.
    • Find a balance between easy and complex things. Your topic is the beginning of your paper and needs to be top-notch. Make sure it is not too obvious.
    • Keep in mind ethical issues. Your topic shouldn’t be offensive or hurt someone's feelings. Always respect opposite views, even if they are different from yours.

Easy topics for your academic paper

What is a persuasive speech? If you take a look at these topics, you might get a clearer understanding of the aspects you can discuss and persuade the audience in your viewpoint.

      • Stricter penalties for texting while driving.
      • Renewable energy sources to combat climate change.
      • The benefits of adopting a plant-based diet for personal health and the environment.
      • How to implement mandatory diversity training in workplaces to foster inclusivity.
      • The top way to reform the criminal justice system is to focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment.
      • The importance of teaching consent education in schools to prevent sexual assault.
      • Is it possible to ban single-use plastics to reduce environmental pollution?
      • An importance of regulating the use of social media algorithms to mitigate the spread of misinformation.
      • Implementing universal health care to ensure access to medical services for all citizens.
      • The importance of teaching financial literacy in schools.

How to structure a persuasive speech

So, your main question might be, “What are the main elements of a persuasive speech?” As usual, you must compose an intro, the main part, and the conclusion. So, how to write a persuasive essay step by step? Here are the most crucial parameters for creating a winning structure for your paper:

      • Understanding the purpose and audience of the persuasive essay. Select a proper writing goal and develop your paper with your reader in mind.
      • Identifying a clear and debatable thesis statement. Your thesis is the heart of your paper. Make sure it is clear and top-notch.
      • Researching and gathering evidence to support the argument. Choose only powerful and 100% trustworthy arguments.
      • Addressing counterarguments and opposing viewpoints. Don’t forget to discuss the viewpoints that differ from yours.

But what if you are feeling lost in countless requirements and writing rules? Composing a good persuasive speech is not easy for any student. Many students use expert writing services to maintain excellent performance at school, college, or university and have more free time. Here are just a few benefits of using pro writing websites if you don’t even know how to write a thesis statement for a persuasive speech:

      • Stress-free way to cope with even the most complicated assignments;
      • Fast and trustworthy assistance with your essays;
      • Anonymous and confidential academic help;
      • Skilled and experienced writers;
      • Helpful support system;
      • Affordable prices;
      • More free time.

If you have any doubts about what service to choose, read some fresh essay services reviews online. This will give you more information about the advantages of different services, possible delivery dates, and other data.

How to write a good persuasive speech

If you want to compose your paper by yourself, you will have many questions. What should you do after choosing a topic? Which is a step in writing an argumentative speech? Here comes the answer!


How to start off a persuasive speech? Start by grabbing your audience's attention, and don’t forget to specify your thesis statement.

The main purpose of today's speech is to [state your purpose].


Now comes the most essential part. To know how to structure a persuasive speech, you will need to research and gather evidence to support the argument. Make sure to address counterarguments and opposing viewpoints, too. For example, you can use the following schema:

      • Let me share with you some compelling reasons why [main point 1].
      • Have you ever experienced [related experience]? That's exactly why [main point 1] is so important.
      • You might be surprised to learn that [present supporting evidence].
      • Consider how [main point 2] affects you personally. It's important to recognize the impact it has on your daily life.
      • Now, let's discuss what you can do to address [main point 2]. Your actions matter more than you realize.
      • I know you care deeply about [relevant issue], which is why it's crucial to [main point 3].
      • Think about the kind of world you want to live in. By [action related to main point 3], you can help shape that world.


When exploring persuasive speech tips, you will find that using emotional appeals in your academic paper is always a good idea. You may put these options into practice:

      • You can relate to [emotional appeal]. Imagine how [emotional response] you would feel in that situation.
      • When making decisions, you want to feel confident and informed, don't you? That's where [logical appeal] comes into play.
      • Your voice matters. By [taking action], you can make a real difference in [relevant area].

Call to action

Don’t hesitate to use this persuasive speech technique in your paper. Many students use these winning options:

        • You have the power to [desired outcome]. Will you join me in [action]?
        • Your involvement is crucial. Together, we can [desired outcome].


Conclusion is one of the key structure elements you should always take into account when completing this type of academic assignment. The conclusion will turn out to be an easy task for you if you use the following writing schema:

        • As you reflect on the key points discussed today, remember that [restate thesis].
        • I challenge you to consider how to incorporate [topic] into your life.
        • Thank you for your attention today. I'm confident that we can achieve [desired outcome] with your support.


Writing a persuasive speech is surely challenging. You must follow persuasive speech guidelines such as selecting a nice topic, collecting arguments, thinking about the paper structure, and focusing on the writing itself. But no worries if you are not ready to solve all these issues! Fortunately, you can always get professional assistance online and cope with your task in a matter of a few hours.